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Brain development

How does the brain change as children mature? Can understanding these changes help us understand how behavior changes at different stages of life? We use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure properties of grey and white matter, as well as measures of function. Much of our recent work has characterized brain changes across early childhood (4-8 years).

Related publications

Haynes L, Cho IYK, Dimond D, Rohr C, Bagshawe M, Dewey D, Lebel C, Bray S (2020) Grey and white matter volumes in early childhood: a comparison of voxel-based morphometry pipelines (In Press: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience)

Dimond D, Heo S, Ip A, Rohr CS, Tansey R, Graff K, Smith RE, Dhollander T, Lebel C, Dewey D, Connelly A, Bray S (2020) Maturation and interhemispheric asymmetry in neurite orientation and density in early childhood NeuroImage 2020 Jul 16;221:117168

Dimond D, Rohr CS, Smith RE, Dhollander T, Cho I, Lebel C, Dewey D, Connelly A, Bray S (2020) Early childhood development of white matter fiber density and morphology  Neuroimage.  Apr 15;210:116552.

Rohr C, Arora A, Cho I, Dimond D, Dewey D, Bray S (2018) Functional network integration and attention skills in young children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 30:200-211.

Bray S (2017) Age-associated patterns in gray matter volume, cerebral blood flow and BOLD signal variation in children and adolescents. Human Brain Mapping 38(5):2398-2407.

Krongold M, Cooper C, Bray S (2015) Modular development of cortical gray matter in childhood and adolescence. Cerebral Cortex 27(2):1125-1136.

Bray S, Krongold M, Cooper C, Lebel C (2015) Synergistic patterns of white and grey matter volumetric structural covariance across childhood and adolescence. eNeuro 2(4).

Vinette S, Bray S (2015) Functional connectivity along anterior-to-posterior intraparietal sulcus varies with age across late childhood and adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 13:32-42.

Neurodevelopmental conditions

Our lab uses neuroimaging to try to understand if and how variation between individuals in brain structure or function can help us better understand the behaviors associated with neurodevelopmental conditions like Autism spectrum, ADHD and preterm birth.

Related publications

Espenhahn S, Godfrey K, Kaur S, Ross M, McMorris C, Cortese F, Wright C, Murias K, Dewey D, Protzner AB, McCrimmon A, Bray S*, Harris AD* (2021) Tactile cortical responses and association with tactile sensitivity in young children on the autism spectrum. Molecular Autism. 12(26).

Rohr C, Kamal S, Bray S (2020) Building functional connectivity neuromarkers of behavioral self-regulation in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder Dev Cogn Neurosci. Feb;41:100747.

Schuetze M, Cho I, Vinette S, Rivard K, Ten Eycke K, Cozma A, McMorris C, Dewey D, Bray S (2019) Learning with individual-interest outcomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder Dev Cogn Neurosci.  Aug;38:100668.

Dimond D, Schuetze S, Smith R, Dhollander T, Cho I, Vinette S, Ten Eycke K, Lebel C, McCrimmon A, Dewey D, Connelly A, Bray S (2019). Reduced white matter fiber density in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cereb Cortex. Apr 1;29(4):1778-1788.

Cechmanek B, Johnston H, Vazhappilly S, Lebel C, Bray S (2018) Somatosensory Regions Show Limited Functional Connectivity Differences in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Connect Nov;8(9):558-566.

 Rivard K, Protzner AB, Burles F, Schuetze M, Cho IYK, Ten Eycke K, McCrimmon A, Dewey D, Cortese F, Bray S (2018) Largely typical electrophysiological affective responses to special interest stimuli in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. Sep;48(9):3133-3143.

Schuetze M, Rohr C, Dewey D, McCrimmon A, Bray S (2017) Reinforcement learning in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychology Nov 21; 8:2035.

Cho IYK, Jelinkova K, Schuetze M, Vinette AS, Rahman S, McCrimmon A, Dewey D, Bray S (2017) Circumscribed interests in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A look beyond trains, planes and clocks. PLoS One Nov 2; 12(11).

Schuetze M, Park MT, Cho I, MacMaster FP, Chakravarty MM, Bray S (2016) Morphological differences in subcortical regions in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 41(11):2627-37.

Methods for neuroimaging in young children

Neuroimaging in children presents unique challenges. We investigate how different approaches to data collection, processing and analysis can help us draw the most robust conclusions.

Related publications

Graff K, Tansey R, Ip A, Rohr C, Dimond D, Dewey D, Bray S (2022) Benchmarking common preprocessing strategies in early childhood functional connectivity and intersubject correlation fMRI. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 54:101087.

Espenhahn S, Yan T, Beltrano W, Kaur S, Godfrey K, Bray S*, Harris AD* (2020) The effect of passive movie-watching on somatosensory-evoked potentials. NeuroImage. 2:220:117130.

Haynes L, Cho IYK, Dimond D, Rohr C, Bagshawe M, Dewey D, Lebel C, Bray S (2019) Grey and white matter volumes in early childhood: a comparison of voxel-based morphometry pipelines. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 46:100875.

For a full list of publications from the lab and summaries of recent work.